Back in the Saddle

Sunflower, originally uploaded by lclea.

Well, there went another summer and I’m back looking at fall in the eyes. As of yet, neither of us has blinked. I’m also going to try the occasional blog entry. Not over-promising like I always do, but hope to put a little bit out there. I’m looking forward to the fall in the same way I’ve done each year in my doc study with both excitement and dread. That’s something I really like about academia, always new challenges and opportunities. I’m also getting to the point where I’m ready to start checking things off the list. First up, quals in October (hopefully as late as possible). Once I’m past that I think it’ll be smooth sailing (pause for laughter). Um, maybe not smooth, but this is the only thing that makes me a bit nervous.

Not going to “over post”, got a lot to do before the terms starts in less than 24 hours. Leave you with this pretty sunflower. Took this picture out at Prairie Fruit Farm during one of their dinners.